Graduate Student Workshop 2011
The focus of GSWC is to highlight graduate student research, promote the exchange of ideas among students, faculty, researchers, and industry, and familiarize new graduate students with the research conducted within our department and the larger computer science community. Each year, GSWC adopts a theme which invites discussion from a panel formed by industry speakers. The theme of the workshop this year is Mobile computing.
Workshop Information
GSWC 2011 will be held Friday October 7, 2011 in the Engineering Sciences Building room 1001. The Engineering Science building is located on the campus map at location D5 with the label "Engineering Science". The actual room is approximately located where the 'S' in Science is on the label. The nearest Parking structure for the event is Parking Structure 10 located just to the right of Engineering Science on the map.
Platinum Supporters
Nickel Supporters
You can grab a pdf copy of the proceedings here.
Workshop Schedule
Opening | ||
08:00-08:15 | Breakfast | |
08:15-08:30 | Opening remarks | Subhash Suri Chair of UCSB Computer Science Department |
Security Session led by Gianluca Stringhini | ||
08:30-08:43 | Fear the EAR: Automated Discovery of Execution after Redirection Vulnerabilities | Adam Doupe |
08:43-08:56 | BareBox: Efficient Malware Analysis on Bare-Metal | Dhilung Kirat |
08:56-09:10 | New Hardware Description Language for Secure Information Flow | Xun Li |
Industry Panel moderated by Adam Doupe | ||
09:10-10:00 | The Mobile Revolution |
Networking and Architecture Session led by Maria Zheleva | ||
10:05-10:18 | The Implications of MIMO and Channel Bonding on Channel Management in 802.11n | Lara Deek |
10:18-10:31 | VillageCell: Cellular Connectivity in Rural Areas | Veljko Pejovic |
10:31-10:44 | Barely Alive Memory Servers: Keeping Data Active in a Low Power State | Vlasia Anagnostopoulou |
10:44-10:57 | Ranking Security-Important Assets in Corporate Networks | Ali Zand |
Academic Keynote | ||
11:00-11:45 | (Computer) Vision without Sight Mobile computer vision may seem like the ideal sensing modality for supporting persons with visual impairment in their activities of daily life. If you cannot see, let the machine see for you. Yet, very few computer vision systems have found acceptance by the visually impaired community so far. In this talk I will report on several years of efforts and lessons learned trying to develop "useful" assistive technology based on computer vision (and other sensors). In particular, I will touch upon issues in mobility and wayfinding, and I will highlight some challenges of mobile vision without sight. |
Manduchi Director of Computer Vision Lab Director of Assistive Technology Lab UCSC |
Multifarious Session A led by Steffen Gauglitz | ||
11:45-11:58 | Complete Information Pursuit Evasion in Polygonal Environments | Kyle Klein |
11:58-12:11 | Temporal Cross-Sell Optimization Using Action Proxy-Driven Reinforcement Learning | Nan Lee |
12:11-12:24 | A Flexible Open-Source Toolbox for Scalable Complex Graph Analysis | Adam Lugowski |
Lunch and Poster Session | ||
12:25-01:25 | ||
Multifarious Session B led by Nichole Stockman | ||
01:25-01:38 | Melody Matcher: A Music-Linguistic Approach to Analyzing the Intelligibility of Song Lyrics | Jennifer Hughes |
01:38-01:51 | The Composition Context in Point-and-Shoot Photography | Daniel Vaquero |
01:51-02:04 | iSketchVis: Integrating Sketch-based Interaction with Computer Supported Data Analysis | Jeff Browne |
Industry Keynote | ||
02:05-02:40 | YouTube News: Broadcasting the World Ubiquitous presence of video cameras significantly increases the possibilities for news coverage by regular citizens. Most recent cell phones and nearly all consumer cameras are capable of recording videos. These videos are often uploaded to YouTube and then shared via social networks. In this talk, we explain how YouTube already changed news coverage around the world and explain how we surface user-generated videos published on YouTube in Google News. |
Zoran Dimitrijevic Software Engineer |
Closing | ||
02:40-03:00 | Closing Remarks followed by walk to Goleta Beach | Lara Deek |
External Participants

Roberto Manduchi
Academic Keynote

Zoran Dimitrijevic
Industry Keynote

Andrew Mutz

Chad Sweet

Saty Bahadur
Program Committee
Member | Position |
Lara Deek | Chair |
Steffen Gauglitz | Vice-Chair |
Adam Doupe | Industry Liason |
Ludovico Cavedon | Financial Coordinator |
Nichole Stockman | Proceedings Coordinator |
Bryce Boe | Website Coordinator |
Gianluca Stringhini | General Committee |
Nan Lee | General Committee |
Petko Bogdanov | General Committee |
Mariya Zheleva | General Committee |
Ceren Budak | General Committee |
Shiyuan Wang | General Committee |
Vineeth Kashyap | General Committee |
Hassan Wassel | General Committee |
Aaron Elmore | General Committee |
Sudipto Das | General Committee |
Arijit Khan | General Committee |
Wim van Dam | Faculty Adviser |